Thursday, December 29, 2016

Herod Lives- Holy Innocents Die

 When Herod knew the magi had fooled him, he grew very angry. He sent soldiers to kill all the children in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding territory who were two years old and younger, according to the time that he
had learned from the magi. This fulfilled the word spoken through Jeremiah the prophet: A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and much grieving. Rachel weeping for her children, and she did not want to be comforted, because they were no more. Matt 2:18

I wonder who decided to have a feast day for slaughtered children- The Feast of the Holy Innocents' (December 28)  right after the feast of the Nativity of Jesus? Perhaps the most tragic thing imaginable- the death of innocent children—babies, no less- commemorated just after the most joyous?? What??

The Feast of the Holy Innocents’ is our needed jolt of reality after the sugar-coma of American Christmas. On any given day, children are dying in active wars and in acts of war,  from  neglect, abuse, disease, starvation and domestic violence. Children, all “Holy Innocents,” are dying in the US. Even though we are the most prosperous nation on earth, armed with the might of a thousand armies and unimaginable technology, we still have not been able to organize our powers in such a way that they at least stop the slaughter of The Holy Innocents. 

I can’t presume to offer a hugely constructive solution, so I will just make an observation that might just propel us all into some positive change, with God’s help: Herod still  lives, and children still die.

By “Herod,” I mean empire- and the violence it wields- and the belief that it will ultimately save us all, or at the very least solve any of the problems of this world. The  Church Fathers and Mothers wanted to  remind us why Jesus came in the first place. Jesus came to show us God’s way that would help us to put away our addictions to violence, scapegoating, and empire that have always held sway in this broken world. 

The Way of the Christ shows us a new way of living into what is real and life-giving- the active, holy love of God. As we as individuals, (and as a world), re-orient our goals and desires around love (and not empire) we will begin creating a reality that will give life to the Holy Innocents everywhere. Thank you, Jesus, for the witness of the Holy Innocents', and may they continue to pray for us that we can create a safer world where all children are safe and healthy. 


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