Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hurricanes: Holy Eucharist,Prayer and Action

As Irma barrels towards and across our brothers and sisters (and us, probably), we first want to remind you that you will be OK. There are many around you whose primary concern in life is to make sure that you are OK.
We had some other thoughts :

+Limit media intake: Outside of needing practical information, (like when, exactly Irma may hit us or other folks in our lives) we do not need to obsessively watch video of the storm or soak up images of the aftermath. The first 25 times we see it are enough for us to know that Irma is scary and that  lots of people are suffering. In time, we can respond. In the meantime, we can best care for others by caring for ourselves, too. 

+Pray: Prayer connects us to those we do not know and those we care about during these times. Ask God for what you want - however ridiculous or self-serving it may seem. God values honest prayer. When we open up our hearts to God, prayer really works on us  in a profound way. (It’s science!)

+Get to Church: All Saints’ is going to be working hard to figure out how we can best leverage our abundant  resources to offer refuge and relief for people affected by Irma and other natural disasters (like Hurricane Harvey). Mother Kim will be leading a group who will begin to figure out how we can minister to the Saints who are seeking refuge from this and other natural disasters. God and her church can use our energy, talents , time and money to help our brothers and sisters.
Stay tuned for details.

+Get Communion: You might be surprised at what happens when we  show up and share space, prayer and Holy Eucharist with others who are worried about the same thing(s). When we worship together we offer God our cares, concerns and worries. God  blesses, feeds and unifies us through our Holy Eucharist. Whether we perceive it to be helpful or not, we are strengthened and transformed by being here together and sharing this holy meal. 

+Get in Touch: You know how to find us. If you feel like you just cannot handle what is happening around you (now or any other time, for that matter), we are always available to talk. There are many others in this community available as well. 

+Open your Prayer Book:  We have a wealth of prayer at our fingertips. If you don’t have a Book of Common Prayer at home and want one, just let us know. You can also use online resources like this or this.

Here is one prayer, found in Evening Prayer and in Compline to use when words fail you. (A good one to memorize, too. Works when things are rough and when they are OK).

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and  give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen. 

All will be well, 

Tim and Joel

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