Thursday, January 12, 2017

Let's Get Missional!!

                 Let's Get Missional!

Christians are really good at making up words. Missional is an adjectival form of "mission ." I have never heard of anyone saying they were “missioning” but I guess we could do that, too. What does it mean?

We can reclaim our stance as "missionary people." I grew up hearing sermons from men and women whose mission was converting unbelievers help them avoid going to hell. I am not so sure that is what Jesus means, though, when he says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to do everything that I have commanded you.” We are to baptize, teach, and help folks to follow, but he does not say anything about saving them from hell here.

So mission for us can be doing good and “healing the world” and something about an invitation to being a disciple- follower- of Jesus. Jesus’ version of  mission is  about  inviting others to life abundant instead of saving them from damnation eternal. Writer Morgan Schmidt says mission is helping “others to seek out and find God at work in the world around us. ...interpreting-- pointing out-- finding-- suggesting--convincing ourselves and other people that God moves in this broken world.. “  Let’s do that!

God is always saving us and healing us and bowling us over with her love  for us, and that’s pretty much the greatest thing ever, don’t you think!?

 If that is missional, then let’s get missional.

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