Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Saltiness in Abundance from the Saints

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot. Mt 5:13

You are a salty bunch. You are. So many people with genuine fires in their bellies about what they are doing in the world. You are funny- engaging- and often quick of wit. I can say this about every single one of you reading this-- you are never boring. You are always coming and
going- to the soccer tournament- debate camp- student council retreat. I finally have realized, (after a few years with you), that a part of what makes you you is the fact that you are so engaged and out and about in the world living full, beautiful lives- and that is one aspect of your saltiness.

Jesus wants salty followers: people with opinions-passions-points of view. Think about what salt has done for humanity as a mineral. We need it for our bodies to work properly. Salt preserves  food so it has enabled human beings to weather famines, long winters and arduous journeys. Salt makes good things even better (I always liked it on watermelon).

There are so many varieties of salt at the market- black salt, pink salt, mineral salt, sea salt, Celtic sea salt- and ordinary table salt. All of them have a shared, molecular composition beneath their unique, outward qualities. God values your molecular makeup and the uniqueness that surrounds it. God depends upon your salt for creation to live into its ultimate potential.

Jesus says that salt, if it has no flavor, is just sand, really. Sand is nice, but plentiful, tasteless, and kind of boring.

So, bring your saltiness to God- bring it to All Saints’. Let loose with your opinions and passions- and listen and help others bring theirs to the table, too. We need each kind of “salt” to survive, to strengthen us on our journey, to help us weather the dry places and make things even better.


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